These manuals contains an introductory description on and procedures for the inspection, service and overhaul of its main components. General knowledge information is not included. Please read the GENERAL INFORMATION section to familiarize yourself with basic information concerning your personal watercraft PWC in the manual. Read and refer to the other sections in this manual for information regarding proper inspection and service procedures.
The OEM cable on the 1995 SLT 750 has a hooked end and not a rod end. I ended up purchasing the Polaris Rod End 7060154 off of another auction site to make this work. The item that should be purchased for the 1995 SLT 750 is the Polaris Steering Cable SLX 7 1995.
• These manuals have been prepared using the latest information available at the time of publication. If a modification has been made since then, differences may exist between the content of
these manuals and the actual PWC personal water craft.
Polaris Slt 780 Parts Diagram
• Illustrations in these manuals are used to show the basic principles of operation and work procedures of the actual personal watercraft and components in exact detail.
1995 Polaris Slt 750 Manual
• These manuals are intended for use by technicians who already possess the basic knowledge and skills to service a personal watercraft motors and components. Persons without such knowledge and skills should attempt with caution to service any component or engine by relying on this manual only. Never attempt to perform any work with out the assistance of a service manual.
Apprentice mechanics or do-it-yourself mechanics that don’t have the proper tools and equipment may or may not be able to properly perform the services described in this manual. Improper repair may result in injury to the mechanic and may render the engine unsafe for the watercraft operator and passengers.